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As a diesel and heavy truck repair shop owner, your primary business objective should be improving customer relationships. Keeping your customers in mind will not only help you craft business strategies tailored to their delight but will also drive revenues. And, what’s better than a happy customer? Another happy customer who comes via referral
Let’s take a look at 3 costly mistakes you must avoid ensuring the highest standards of quality and customer retention:
1. Unavailability
Avoid being inaccessible to your customers under any circumstances. Emergencies may arise anytime; hence it’s important to be available 24/7 to provide assistance and guidance to your customers. It may not be possible to have staff with 24/7 availability, thus, make sure that you provide cloud assistance to them. It is essential to promptly act on customer’s queries and complaints
2. Misleading information
Do not promise the moon and stars as part of the offers if you do not intend to provide them when the need arises. While this may seem as obvious when dealing with a customer, there are many businesses who dupe their customers with false information. This leads to the customer feeling cheated and the trust is lost forever.
3. Poor Service
Make sure that you offer the highest standards of quality with impeccable customer service. Ensure to train your experts to interact with your customers respectfully. All their concerns must be promptly addressed and solutions must be offered immediately. Your customers need high-quality quick resolutions to their problems.
Remember building trust is essential to retain a lifelong customer, and if you falter in any of the above areas, you lose a precious customer. Now, that you’re aware of the top 3 costly mistakes you must avoid, get ready to take your business to the next level with ActionRev. Features like 24/7 cloud accessibility, reporting, inventory and purchase order estimates etc make it a great tool for diesel and heavy truck repair shop owners. It allows you to streamline all your work to maximize business productivity leading to higher returns.
https://actionrev.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/ARLogoWtradeMarkNoComGradient.png00adminhttps://actionrev.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/ARLogoWtradeMarkNoComGradient.pngadmin2017-12-04 04:00:332017-12-04 08:35:073 Mistakes To Avoid At A Diesel Repair Shop
As a machine shop owner, you’re constantly trying to juggle between several tasks- inventory management, supervision, customer service, raw material influx etc. A minor error in any of the processes may prove to be very expensive for you and your business goals. Machine shop management software is your ‘go to’ for all your tasks and overall supervision.
Let’s take a look at the top 5 benefits of using machine shop management software:
Quick turnaround times
Machine shop software enables quick turnaround times since all the processes are tracked and monitored. Any delays or lags are immediately updated and notified; this ensures immediate action is taken. Improves follow-ups and customer experiences.
Streamline all office tasks
Machine shop management software enables you to streamline all tasks – managing your technicians and vendors, invoicing, inventory management, purchase orders, tracking, and maintenance etc. are monitored and tracked for a smooth functioning of the processes. Also improves coordination between different teams.
Indicate Variations and problems
Setting up machine shop management software will give you a complete overview of all processes and also indicate variations or concerns if any. It provides an accurate representation of which stage each task is in and helps in planning the next course of action.
Easy accessibility to mobile devices
Machine shop management software is now easily accessible on all mobile devices. So, if you’re traveling or out of office, you will still have updates regarding the machine shop and can take any necessary action in case of urgency.
Reduced costs
Installing a machine shop management software improves productivity, thus reducing costs. On-time raw material delivery and production, quick invoicing etc remove all overhead costs thus, enabling greater efficiency.
Need help with setting up machine shop management software? Connect with the diesel and machine shop management software experts at ActionRev for a free demo. We offer cost-effective solutions for greater efficiency of your machine shop.
Connect with the diesel and machine shop management software experts at ActionRev for a free demo.
https://actionrev.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/ARLogoWtradeMarkNoComGradient.png00adminhttps://actionrev.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/ARLogoWtradeMarkNoComGradient.pngadmin2017-11-17 10:15:242018-03-29 07:11:01Benefits Of Using Machine Shop Management Software
How about spending less time in the shop and yet accomplishing much more? With ActionRev’s Service and machine shop software, diesel and machine shop owners can utilize their time on other productive tasks than spending time physically in their shops, supervising each task.
https://i2.wp.com/actionrev.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Action-Rev-Infographic.jpg?fit=4163%2C8312&ssl=183124163adminhttps://actionrev.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/ARLogoWtradeMarkNoComGradient.pngadmin2017-11-13 08:26:582017-11-15 05:54:52Use Service Shop Software to Up Your Customer Service
As a service and repair shop owner, you have zillion things to look after- from finding new customers to retaining existing customers and skilled technicians, cost control, inventory etc. Wouldn’t it be great if a service shop software made your life easier? How about a software which took care of inventory management, online sales, invoicing, purchase order estimates, 24/7 cloud accessibility and so much more!
So, here are the top 5 things you must consider while purchasing a service shop software :
Must be designed for heavy duty repair shops
Ensure to choose a service shop software which is designed for heavy duty repair shops. Most of the service shop software is designed for light duty operations, which means that all your shop activities will not be taken care of. Avoid extra work and invest one-time in a good heavy duty service shop software!
Must Streamline all your office tasks
A great service shop software must help you streamline all your work- manage your technicians and vendors, invoicing, 24/7 cloud assistance, inventory management, purchase orders, tracking, and maintenance etc. In simple words, it must be your backend support for all tasks.
Must integrate with your accounting software
Ensure to buy a service shop software which easily integrates with your accounting software. It will ease the process of generating invoices, reduce wait time and improve overall billing efficiency.
Must be web-based and automatic
Your service shop software must be web-based so you can have access to documents and manuals from anywhere, without having to be physically present in the shop. Also, it would then provide 24/7 cloud assistance for repair and maintenance for truck owners and drivers. All updates must be automatically upgraded to the system and all the details should be recorded in the system for future use.
Must Offer Free Support and training
Your service shop software must provide support and assistance to its users, free of cost! The software must offer round the clock cloud assistance for any emergency repairs and breakdown assistance.
Now, that you know which are the top 5 features which you must look for, in a service shop software, what are you waiting for? Action Rev offers premium service shop software, designed by industry experts to ward off all your shop management worries.
Know more about the benefits offered of our service shop software here
https://actionrev.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/ARLogoWtradeMarkNoComGradient.png00adminhttps://actionrev.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/ARLogoWtradeMarkNoComGradient.pngadmin2017-11-13 03:54:262017-11-15 06:41:065 things to look for, when buying a service shop software
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